Non Verbal Analogy Identify Odd Relationship

Concept Explanation

Non Verbal Analogy - Identify Odd Relationship

Identifying Odd Relationship: This type of Analogy questions we are given four pairs of figures. All the pairs except one pair out of these four pairs does not show the same relation as shown by the all other pairs. We have to identify this odd pair which does not show the same relationship.

Illustration:  In the following question, in three out of the given four pair of figures, fig. I is related to fig. II in the same particular manner. Spot out the pair in which this relationship does not exist between figures I and II.





Answer : A.

Solution:Explanation : On analysing the pair of figure given to us we find that in the second, third and the fourth pair  figure. I gets laterally inverted in figure II, but the first pair does not shown this relationship, So it is the odd pair. Hence the correct option is A

Illustration:  In the following question, in four out of the given five pair of figures, fig. I is related to fig. II in the same particular manner. Spot out the pair in which this relationship does not exist between figures I and II





Answer: D.

Explanation : On analysing the pair of figure given to us we find that in the first, second, third and the fifth pair  show the same relationship whereas the fourth figure does not show the same relationship so it is the odd Pair. We see that each figure consists of four elements and in the first, second, third and the fifth pair the first second and fourth elements get vertically inverted in  figure. I but the third element remains the same. This relationship is not shown in the fourth pair so it is the odd pair. Hence the correct option is D


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Directions: In each of the following questions, in four out of the given five pairs of figures fig. I is related to fig. II in the same particular manner. Spot out the pair in which this relationship does not exist between figures I and II.

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

Directions: In each of the following questions, in four out of the given five pairs of figures fig. I is related to fig. II in the same particular manner. Spot out the pair in which this relationship does not exist between figures I and II.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Directions: In each of the following questions, in four out of the given five pairs of figures fig. I is related to fig. II in the same particular manner. Spot out the pair in which this relationship does not exist between figures I and II.

Right Option : A
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